
Table of Contents


OwnerOwner represent a physical person that can have the same vault installed on many devices
VaultRepreset the PeerVault software installed on a device
RelayThe relay are a server that will proxy the connection between two devices to avoid NAT issue
SeedRepresent the root key of an owner, used for rebuild any Owner master key. use bitcoin BIP39
Mnemonic or Paper Key12 words ASCII representation of a seed
Master KeyKey generate from a seed use bitcoin BIP32
Child KeyKey generate from a master key use bitcoin BIP32
LibP2PIt is the p2p library used to secure the exchange between peer
PeerA Peer is a Vault connected to the network, listening through relay
QmPeerIdRepresent unique ID of a Peer calculated from child key, used to announced peer on libp2p network
KeyKey as capital word represent a pair of private/public keys, like Master Key and Child Key

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture is a well-known design that promotes loosely coupled application components to have better control and flexibility over time on each part.

First, we have two main components:

  1. Human Interface (GUI or CLI)
  2. Business Logic (SERVICE)

It can be kind of obvious for web developers but in the world of desktop applications it is not so much popular. Split these two components gave us flexibility to choose different programming languages as well as ease the development of many Client UI without having to cope with all the complexity of business logic.

PeerVault Daemon Architecture