Alice Vault->>+Alice: (3) Decrypt secret binary
note over Alice,Bob: Exchange Encrypted with secio
Alice ->>+ Bob: (1) Shared secret request
Bob -->> Alice: (2) Accept secret
Alice ->>+ Bob: (4) Transfert secret data binary
Bob ->> Bob Vault: (5) encrypt secret binary
Alice send sharing secret request with data: KeyPath, RequestId, Expiration
Bob accept (and store infos in bbolt) or decline request and respond with data: RequestId, Accepted
Alice receive response and if Accepted use Child Key to decrypt secret from bbolt
Alice send secret to Bob with RequestId, Blob
Bob verify the RequestId has been accpeted before encrypt secret with his Child Key in bbolt
request must have expiration delay: 5min default
the request id are used to trace the secret sharing to avoid malicious secret substitution
Namespace and Secret name represent a path where secret is stored
Boolean to know if secret is accepted by receiver or not