PeerVault-Service (Daemon)

All the business logic reside in the Service.

The daemon has been write with GoLang. Mainly because the underlying library libp2p have the most advanced support with Go and was the only way to make it work the relay communication securely the for passing through NAT.

PeerVault Daemon Architecture


The service are build on top of 3 layers:

1. Communication

The Blue layer represent the communication, internal with the GUI or external with other Peer.

  • Local API: Expose HTTP API to manipulate the Vault create or restore Owner, create or share Secret
  • WebSocket Event: Instant notification to GUI when a new secret is shared by another Vault same or different Owner
  • Peer LibP2P: Enable secure p2p channel with other Vault through libp2p2 Relay to pass through NAT

2. Domain

The Yellow layer represent the internal Domain abstraction

  • Owner: Identity of the Vault Owner, contain Master Key, Device Key, QmPeerId.
  • Secret: Secret information, can have many format, Password, Document, Certificate, Private key...
  • Exposure: Expose secret publicly on the computer, when mounting SSH Private key
  • Backup: Able to export Vault DB encrypted, can only be restored by holding the Owner Master Key

3. Persistence

The Red layer represent the persistent abstraction, we are using the bbolt key/value database